Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why ET Is Important Enough To Spend So Much Money Looking For Him.

I read where scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have now used the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to look for intelligent radio signals from planets around 86 of these stars. While discovering no telltale signs of life, the researchers claimed to calculate that fewer than one in a million stars in the Milky Way Galaxy have planetary civilizations advanced enough to transmit beacons we could detect. (2/12/13)

I would really like to know upon what these calculations were based upon?  As there is no way for anyone to know whether or not life exists anywhere other than on earth that would make them correct if there were no planetary civilizations to be found anywhere.  Yet to unabashedly say it is out there all they have to do is find them is pure hubris.  Why is it that they, they being the ones searching so hard to prove that life exist other than on earth, are allocating so much time and money in the search?  To prove it one way or the other will change nothing here on earth, right?

Well no, if they can prove that life exists other than on earth they will use it to beat Christians up about their belief in a creator God.  How many times have you heard an attack on Christians because the Catholics imprisoned Galileo for teaching that the earth was not the center of the solar system during the Inquisition and forced him to recant his teachings about the sun.  The belief that the earth is the center of the universe is not to be found in the Bible, yet Christians till this day are said to hold that belief by those who wish to deny the Bible as the Word of God.

They believe, imo, that if they can prove that life exists other than on earth that the case for evolution will be made, and the case that there is a creator God is debunked.

They already have plans if their search peters out on Mars: US astronomers looking for life in the solar system believe that Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter, which has an ocean, is much more promising than desert-covered Mars, which is currently the focus of the US government's attention. "Europa is the most likely place in our solar system beyond Earth to possess .... life," said Robert Pappalardo, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. "And it is the place we should be exploring now that we have a concept mission we think is the right one to get there for an affordable cost,". AFP  

Don't let them fool you, they don't care about the cost, this is a "Damn the cost, full steam ahead" for them.  Prove God does not exist at all cost.  Let us say that they do find some microbes on Mars, or Europa of what use could that be to anyone on Earth other than watching a documentary about it?  No, the whole expense is to prove that there is no creator God.

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