I found this very interseting:
This painting titled The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo is filled with occult imagery.
Notice that “God” is surrounded by a brain. This anatomically accurate image of the human brain was poinetd out in 1990 by Frank Lynn Meshberger, M.D. ; something that had been overlooked for centuries.You can see that the edges correlate with sulci in the inner and outer surface of the brain, the brain stem, the basilar artery, the pituitary gland and the optic chiasm are all seen. God’s hand does not touch Adam, yet Adam is already alive as if the spark of life is being transmitted across a synaptic cleft.
Adam is “awakened to life” by a finger coming out of the pituitary glad, through the third eye, and awakening Adam through this synaptic spark.. “God” has his arm around his wife and he has a son. His wife is called by the occult Kabbalists “the Shekinah “. To the Kabbalist, honoring the Feminine is of the utmost importance. In the Kabbalah, the name of this Divine Feminine is the Shekinah. The term is not found in the Bible. It is remarkable that so many Bible teachers use this term that comes straight out of the occult. They are just repeating it because they have heard some other Bible teacher use it.
Creation (the son) is the result of the entanglement of the male and female principles. The Yin-Yang and the Masonic square represent this. Or as they say ” as above, so below”. Again it amazes me when I actually see the Masonic symbol on the very cornerstone of a church. I have seen Masons taking up the offering while wearing the “two ball cane” and you can just imagine what that stands for.
The pastors today are no different, for the most part. It is just a job to them; the way they make a living. I think the Bible calls them hirelings. A pastor is supposed to watch for wolves and feed the sheep. Unfortunately many are just as blind as the rest of the world and instead of feeding the sheep, they are more interested in feeding themselves.
Milton called them “blind mouths”:
Blind mouths! that scarce themselves know how to hold
A sheephook, or have learn’d ought else the least
That to the faithful herdman’s art belongs!
What recks it them? What need they? They are sped.
And when they list their lean and flashy songs
Grate on their scrannel pipes of wretched straw,
The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed,
See my article about the so called Star of David that many Christians have in their homes and on jewelry:
Ezekiel 8:13 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do.
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