Monday, November 11, 2013

A Perseptions Of Perseptions

Now take perception, for example the other night, I spent the night in a hotel in Concord after the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. When I went to bed I turned on the TV and "How I Met Your Mother" was on. I have never watched it before as it is just not the type of programming I care for, but before I switched the channel I watched a scene where this young man and young lady were sitting watching a movie. The man explained to the woman how he saw the main character in the movie, and then she explained how she saw the same character. 

The pertinent part is what the man said after the woman finished when her thoughts, "It is obvious that we are watching two entirely different movies." The point being that we all see the world through our experiences and perceptions, thus no two people can perceive anything in the same way. Because of where the young man sat as a young man he could not see the movie as the young woman did nor could the young woman see the movie as a young man would. 

Now substitute in white, black, youth, aged, or whatever you might wish in the plavce of theyoung man and young woman and you can see the problem we have when we start trying to truly understand the human condition. You tell your part, I tell my part, and together someone may understand a part that neither of us did if we tell of our understanding.

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